Tips against seasickness

There is such much fun to have in Okinawa! As long as you do not get seasick…

Every year from January to March, whale watching it THE activity of choice in the waters off the Kerama Islands! Because of the rich resources brought in by the Kuroshio current, the area is a favourable environment for the beautiful and wild humpback whales or dolphins to spend winter.

When the winds and waves get strong, whales can get reluctant to show up on the water surface. But as soon as our boat captains notice their presence, we head over to have a look at them at reasonable distance and passengers and crew alike get excited! If you are not used to sail daily, that excitement tends to fade away by the time we reach dolphins and whales: the bumpy rides make some people sick to their stomachs. From then, it is near impossible to enjoy the jumps and turn of our aquatic friends…

Seasickness, just like motion sickness, can manifest itself differently depending on the individual’s physical condition. As a rule of thumb, the average person can lower the chance of experiencing this unpleasantness by getting enough sleep, not drinking alcohol and upholding a relaxed body and mind the day before a turbulent tour.

Motion sickness has many forms and situations where it can come about: in the bus, car, place, on a boat, etc. It can be lived as a real nightmare for the most sensitive travellers! Today, Lin, our writer and master in the squeamishness department, will share with you all the dos and don’ts to prevent travel sickness.
We hope this will help you have a most enjoyable whale watching tour!

Motion sickness medicine

As you may have guessed already, the most direct and effective way to prevent seasickness is to take seasickness medicine! Taking these pills an hour before boarding will reduce the probability of feeling unwell.
We advise to not underestimate the wintery waves in Okinawa: you should take seasickness medicine to prevent any risk of having a less than enjoyable time!

If you’re looking for the most effective brands in Japan, try the “Aneron Niskyappu” (アネロンニスキャップ), rated as most effective by our Japanese colleagues. It can easily be found in any drugstore. Samely, TRAVELMIN is often recommended by our very own customers!

Vertigo bracelet

While it will no be as effective as seasickness medicine, these can be a handy little item to have if you don’t want to take medicine or when the waves are not that strong.
Also called “Travel Wristbands” and many other acronyms such as “Motion sickness Bands”, these apply the principles of acupuncture (a traditional Chinese medicine): they put pressure on the “Neiguan point” (內關穴)” through a bump on the bracelet. This will relieve discomforts such as motion sickness, seasickness, and airsickness. The effect felt varies from one individual to another, but several of our Japanese colleagues have found it quite effective!

About the “Neiguan Point” massage:
Massaging it can relieve heart palpitations, chest tightness, stomach bloating and nausea. According to research, soreness and numbness upon pressure will indicate that you found the right spot to massage. After approximately pushing it 5 seconds, immediately relax the pressure and repeat these pressing-relaxing steps every 1 to 2 seconds for 5 to 10 minutes.

Onboard behaviour

① Less movements equals less shaking of the body, reducing in return, the chances of feeling sick. You can also try to stare into the distance to find a horizon point on which to concentrate.

 Do not look at your phone or read books onboard. Seeing them move in front of your eyes as the boat shakes will only make you feel dizzier.

③ For some people, the best way to deal with seasickness is to sleep. Sleep during taxi and ask a family member, friend or staff to wake up when a whale is spotted!

④ Chatting with someone can be a good distraction too! Not focusing on the shaking of the boat or on your feelings of insecurity will help not over-amplifying your sensation of discomfort. If you joined the tour alone you are more than welcome to chat with our staff!

Where to sit onboard

① During taxi, the front part of the hull will be most impacted by the waves, and the shaking is rather violent there. This is where it is easiest to get seasick! It is better to sit in the middle or rear of the boat as these parts are more stable.

② Never stay in the cabins or lavatories for long periods of time! Confined spaces can encourage seasickness. Sometimes you might also smell the exhaust of the boat, and that smell can easily induce seasickness. In this case, you should ask the staff to change seats immediately.

Before sailing

① Avoid boarding on a completely full or empty stomach. It is best to eat some easily digestible food before sailing. Also avoid food that is hard to digest the day before your trip, such as chili peppers, greasy food, salty food or drinking alcohol.

② Wear warm but light clothing that is easy to put on and take off. The sea breeze is indeed very cold, but your body temperature will increase when you wear a life jacket , which is mandatory on our tours. It is best to wear a windproof jacket that you can easily take off. Feeling too hot or too cold can easily induce seasickness.

Choose your tour operator well

A reliable tour operator refers to their captain’s sailing skills, whether the equipment on board is sufficient, whether the explanation is accurate, and whether the overall service is satisfactory.

Our 4 boats can take 32-60 passengers and are all equipped with lavatories, changing rooms. We also serve tea and lend raincoats for free. In the unfortunate event of seasickness, sanitary bags and paper will also be provided.

Our tour guides will show you through the boat and give you a introductory lecture on humpback whales before departure. They will also give basic explanations on marine environment and ecosystems in order to make your whale watching experience more meaningful.

We provide whale watching tours on a reservation-based system, so please be sure to arrive on time on the day of the tour. If the wind or sea conditions are not favourable for the tour to take place, we may cancel the trip and passengers will be notified by email a day before the planned date.

For more details, please visit the following page.


If you are very sensitive to motion sickness try the above!
We wish you to enjoy your whale watching trip or other tours without the encumbrance of seasickness!
